Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Herro, I just wanted to bring a certain website to everyone's attention. "" is an online clothing store that is awesome. I've purchased many items from it and I'm very happy with everything. If you are interested in buying something on karmaloop, you can enter my rep code, "SK39801", and you will get 20% off your total amount! So I suggest going and getting yourself some new gear and use my rep code to get it for cheap!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Team Wolf

Last weekend, Justin Wyper, John Rempel and Dustin Gilding came to town. On Saturday there was a solid amount of bro at the sandpit on the westside. Lot's of good riding and some wonderful adventures with Dustin Schieck and John Rempel. Me and Dustin are going to start training to be pro sand cliff jumpers. That night, we all went to Vernon for dance party LG fest 2010. We got to the Best Western (where the dance party was) expecting that all the bros could go in. Turns out that the bouncer was a jerk and didn't want to let us in. Then the party girl came and said Noah, Brad and me could go in cause I'm Noah's brother (lol). Unfortunately, Team Wolf was denied access so they sat in Brad's car while we partied hardy. The dance was cool, lot of bros, me and Noah played a lot of sports with the female population of Vernon. Jusy want to give a shout out to the DJ, a real great bro, and the 3 little bros that me and Noah carried around all night. After that, we went to some house party somewhere and that was cool too. I saw my friend Todd Leavitt and that made me happy. After that we did some other stuff too. When we got home, me and Noah played board games all over his house and vary got mad. Then we went to bed, awesome.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scott Stevens

I'm not much of a snowboarder but this tickles my fancy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


the guy has been steeping it ap alut ths yer adn wer akl prud uf h1m

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sooooo my night tonight was ridiculous. Went to some party that was open to anyone and it was sooo gnar. Started out kinda slow but ended up being so many kids it was hard to walk through the house. I feel bad for the owner of the place because there were more holes punched in the walls than I've ever seen. the place got literally demolished and shit was everywhere. I assumed it was going to get broken up at like 10:00 but for some reason cops didn't show up untill 11:30. There was nothing in the house that wasn't broken by the end of it. Even the microwave got destroyed. It was really nice to see all the bar star, ed hardy, tap out bros there, soo awesome. All in all it was one of the best parties I've attended in a while and I hope there's more like it in the near future. My heart goes out the the owners of the house because it's going to cost a lot to fiz that place.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Reckless Behaviour

I'm not sure how this never got posted on here but better late then never as I always say. This is the documentary of Competition Night 2009 at Noah's house. The level of bro is almost dangerous and the level of retard is quite high too. Enjoy.

Happy Birthday Ace

On this date 18 years ago, a very special bro came out of a lady's no-no spot and into this world. His name is Ace. He is awesome and he does nice this for people and animals. This guy is definately in the top 10 ultimate studs of all time. I honestly can't even describe the amount of cool that this bro has inside him. Everybody just needs to give it up for Ace Hayden cause it's his birthday!

Tornado Spin

Arm steeze and gang gestures.

Last Night

Hey Stirling dropping in here for a quick post. Last night me and Noah were sending it at some party and it was pretty cool. Here's a list of highlights (in no particular order).

- Brad and Brooke playing a solid round of golf.
- Buddy pretending to want to fight Matt and maybe making him plant vegetables in his trousers.
- Approximately 13 bro-ments.
- My exciting game of cricket with Callahan.
- Jamie Martel being so strong and courageous.

I just want to give a huge thanks to everybody that made last night possible, we couldn't have done it without you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shane's Mom

I would like to acknowledge Shane's hot mom. Congratulations Shane for coming out of such a gorgeous woman.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Way to go retard.

Ed Hardy 4 Life

Me and Noah finally purchased some Ed Hardy T's and we're pretty excited.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mike Kirk

SO! I'm at Mike Kirk's lovely house and he's drunk so I'm going to interview him.

Me: If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?

Mike: Unlimited money, unlimited wishes, be a professional ping pong player.

Me: How long did your longest poopie take?

Mike: 40 minutes.

Me: Top or bottom?

Mike: Top.

Me: If you had to date one race other then white, what race what it be?

Mike: Latin.

Me: Shaved or unshaved?

Mike: Shaved.

Me: Buck teeth or no teeth?

Mike: No teeth.

Me: What are your views on gay marriage?

Mike: I'm not a homophobic like my room mate.

Me: What are your views on lesbian marriage then?

Mike: They're butch.

Me: How do you feel about stem cell research?

Mike: I don't know.

Me: What are your views on abortion?

Mike: All for it.

Me: Can you do a hand stand?

Mike: No.

Me: Do you consider yourself physically fit?

Mike: No, but I have a good BMI.

Me: What's your favorite physical feature about yourself?

Mike: My nappy grom hair.

Me: How do you feel about snickers?

Mike: Love em.

Me: Mr. Big's?

Mike: Hate em.

Me: Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?

Mike: Bruce Lee.

Me: Bruce Lee and Mr. T?

Mike: Bruce lee.

Me: Would you date "Genie-in-a-Bottle" Christina Aiguilera or "Dirty" Christina Aiguilera?

Mike: Dirty Christina Aiguilera.

Me: Ok have fun with herpes... How much money would it take for you to kiss a boy?

Mike: A million.

Me: On a gay pride parade, would you be...

-Pregnant lesbian?
-Child of a gay couple?

Mike: Protestor.

Me: Last question, the purple teletubie, the pope, peter pan. Fuck one, marry one, kill one.

Mike: Kill the teletubie, fuck peter pan cause then my kids can fly and marry the pope.

Thank you for your time Mike, this has been an eye opener.


Ora Brush

Brush your tongue bitches


Everyday super hero!

Friday, January 8, 2010

nice kitty

Here is a very nice kitty cat

Thursday, January 7, 2010


You flailing bro?!

Tough Guys

How do you feels about yourselves now?

Tyler Evans

It wouldn't be fair if I just congratulated Dustin for his accomplishment without giving a shout out to Ty and his great hair.

Dustin Schieck

The other day, Dustin took his shirt off in the forest and a wildlife photographer got a shot of him and it made it into national geographics, congratulations Dustin.

Sobe Le Dog

I just want to give a shout out to sobe, he's had a solid year and is proving to be one of the top competitors out there. Keep your eyes on this puppy because he is sure to do great things in the future.


Hello here just talking about stuff we are going to have a little interview with vary, the leader

What do you think of burritos?
Taco Buritio Blowing Bubbles out your speedo
burtios upset my stomach

If you could go anywere were would it be and why?

I would go to....? any were? I would go to antartica.... no i wouldnt i would go somewere warm with beautiful ocean australia to see lachie and the coral reef

why are you a teacher?
Becauase i looooooooooooooooooooooove children... (creepy)

whats your favorite saying?
ring ring hello? ring ring hello?

Give Up

You will never be as great at anything as this man is at everything...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Careful, don't get beat up by grapes.

The Beginning

As of this day, Noah and I will be using this blog as a passage way of enlightenment and knowledge sharing. Here you will be able to stay up to date on world issues and receive daily insight to help better your life and improve your state of mind. I welcome you to join us as we begin our exploration of the internet and the outside world. Please check frequently for updates as you do not what to deprive yourself of the delicious contents of this blog.